Natural Health Therapy
Massage and acupressure along with the other combined therapies of reflexology, prescription blends of pure essential oils and bush flower vibrational essences are offered in treating chronic pain, acute conditions, stiffness, joint pain, weakness and lethargy. Massage is an energy treatment that stimulates, regulates while balancing the hormonal communication of signals coming to and from the brain. A Reflexology massage is an effective treatment for relieving STRESS, by healing respiratory impairment, clearing the cause of depression coming from overloaded systems. Clearing the minds overthinking, its undisciplined actions feeding anxiousness and anxiety responses. Massage supports peace of mind, feeling the balance of a calm state within you.
Alleviates Pain
Uncovers Source
Restores Balance

I am a professionally registered therapist providing a compliment of naturally based therapies. The process of healing, balancing and purifying the body chemistry to attain clarity, restore strength, balance and calmness within the mind, is by focusing on balancing of health issues you present with as your primary concern. Whether it is an ailment or specific pain area or recurring injury, the treatment is focused to see where it is coming from.
When the uncovering of the cause (a memory) and source (the location within the body`s, organs or systems} of any toxic responses causing the condition being experienced, it is this expanded awareness and the physical attachments to the familiar old pain that is worked upon, your symptoms are naturally alleviated as the body`s balance is restored and a calming effect is felt within body and mind. Its a process of uncovering that which blocks you experiencing the pure joy of Life., your real nature.
Health wellness happiness is the focus for the whole being, Body mind and spirit.
A necessary ingredient in clearing an illness, a debilitating condition or distress in the mind is, conscious awareness of what influence your mind is having on your health.
These Therapies do give you natural health options for regaining and maintaining your health on all levels, feeling a stronger sense of vitality, vibrancy, strength and confidence, increased enthusiasm, as you become how you would like to of what ails you, free of pain.
Even though we may have what is recognised as a common symptoms of disease, there are no 2 people that are the same, and `the source`, of your symptom will have its origin/s in as unique a location or locations, as you are a unique individual.
These therapies and the practices of energy medicine are safe, respectful, nurturing and nourishing to all levels of body mind and spirit, your whole being is recognised for its need of becoming free of pain and free of fear. There is no limitation to age, race, gender or spiritual path it worked for all Beings
What we do.
Energy Medicine
Energy medicine is the application of techniques, skills and knowledge that energetically flows within you from a cellular level, to mental and emotional clearing and purifying toxic attachments that are limiting identifications with pain. EM supports experiencing a new level of greater health, wellness, self respect with the encouragement and support in acceptance of flowing with change. Surrendering of attachment to old patterns and toxic addictive behavours.
Compression Recovery Therapy
NormaTec provides a systematic approach to advancing recovery for any body that is experiencing muscle, ligament or nerve pain due to increased pressure on body being pushed to maintain high levels of stress hormonal responses by all types of activity, especially but not limited to sporting demands, and athletes performing at all levels.
Are you living your best Life? Does your life look the way you would love it too?
Do you have control over your own mind or does it run you? You have to get to really know how your mind works, to becoming free of its undisciplined wanderings into the past, its unwillingness to be present and its constant worrying about what the future brings. The minds thinking will create the life being lived. It is only us that can change the way we live. It has to be a conscious choice to be happy, content, and non attached to the actions and dramas of others.
Natural health Therapy is a process of learning to change and clear the old triggers, the old memories that constantly take you down the path to what you don`t want. It is a process of supporting your mind to recognise and focus on what you want in your life, through`Life.`
Your physical health and wellness is of vital importance to your minds state, your mental well-being and your ability to experience a real feeling of freedom from what ails you. This freedom comes when letting go, surrendering attachments to beliefs stored in the cellular structure and energy levels of the body and seen as familiar old habits, in cravings and fear filled actions based in fear sense of Lack.
Pulling the mind up, stopping the mind reaching for toxins in what it wants to consume, practicing your discernment and what is really beneficial to you, gives you greater and greater clarity, then the ability of recognising what truly makes you happy, content and full of enthusiasm arises into your sight. YOu begin to see, live, feel, the real Joy of life all around you, in you.
Having a willing approach in changing your experience and clearing out the old beliefs that do not reflect your sublime, beautiful unconditional, compassionate, unlimited Self, is your own choice, the only one living in your vehicle is YOU. Being true to yourself is giving to yourself, your life, and others in your life, the best of YOU . Living Life is a process, the opportunity of cleaning out the vehicle until is sparkles with vibrant light energy that reflects the true nature of your Self.
Learn how to refocus the power of your own mind away from creating and maintaining the fear based actions internally experienced as anxiousness, irritation, resentment, self judgments and self criticism, anger and that old deep fear of Lack, and the fear of failure to get what is wanted based in concepts tied to low worth, or failure to be recognised as good enough,valued, wanting to be given respect. learn to remember that what you are seeking is already inside you, you already are the essence of respectfulness, you are already the qualities of patience, generosity of spirit, non attached to the actions, or words of others. To becoming free of the old habitual reactiveness, see the power in pausing and responding, to success in creating what really makes you happy and content. Freedom requires Mindfulness -the practice of Discipline of the mind is key. These technique documents are offered in any treatment when asked for.
Your mind shapes your destiny; your mind shapes your life minute by minute and influences how you live your life, either through the prism of your past experiences, the old patterns and habits, or, your mind can reflect the clarity of the purifying greater self awareness, your understanding of the great qualities of your inner wisdom, the 22 inner purifying enlightening qualities of your true Self's innermost divine nature, Your already are `IT.`LIFE IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE IT..
Being true to yourself is fundamental to a happy life., its not selfishness, its recognition of something within, that inner power that gives freely without expectation of a return on effort. its truly unconditional and free of fear, free of pain and sorrow. A mind through consistent practice of discipline and thinking well, speaking well and doing well can reflect the power of your awareness of these qualities; gentleness, calmness, kindness, and great respectfulness for and faith in yourself. Now what flows out is your greater understanding and higher awareness, your
When it knows how, your mind can just BE, it reflects that presence, a great contentment, happiness and the deep Joy that gives you peace of mind is always present while we are living life. It just requires us to be fully present, as the state of Beingness. Just being `It.`
Learn how to refocus the power of your own mind from creating anxiousness, irritation and self doubts, to becoming free of these old habitual actions. Experience the power of your own mind reflecting patience, kindness, detachment from the actions of others, free from reactive behaviours and develop self discipline, self confidence, Self reliance, Self control (control of ego/minds actions)
Natural Health Therapy`s documents for health, well-being, lymphatic drainage, herbs and mineral as well as the Mindfulness techniques; information and understanding of beneficial supplements and knowledge of the power of the inner great qualities, is given in small classroom mindfulness workshops or in one on one personal treatment sessions.
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