Women’s Health

The limbic System and the body`s responses create how we feel

The limbic system and why is it important. Our limbic system and the body’s responses create how we see our life, how we feel about everything.Our emotional responses, our health and capacity to experience Joy, calmness, confidence are interlinked with our emotional view of our life and our relationships. If our life reflects stress, anxiousness, pain […]

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Steps that give a natural Boost to Your Energy Levels? Foods for thought…

Vegetable Juice. Drinking fresh vegetable juice –encourages a digestive rebalance- this gives relief to your digestive system and allows time for the old undigested foods and toxic fluids to be cleaned out. This action offers your body a lighter intake of nourishment in the form that the body does not have to work so hard to

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Anorexia Nervosa

Hormonal imbalances supported by perceptions and beliefs around receiving self nourishment, self loathing, and a fear of success, can trigger this eating disorder.Also restrictive dieting and excessive exercise can also lead to the onset of AN. A person with AN has a developed distortion of their perceptions of body image. They identify with seeing themselves as

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What does Knee pain or Back pain have to do with your Feet?

How can the focus on your feet relieve your aching back…..​​When it comes to physical activities, the heaviest burden is born by your feet.  Because of this constant and lifelong duty, your feet can develop certain health issues and show responses to what is happening elsewhere in the body. When observed, the problem areas can

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Women’s Health

Natural Health Therapy is a natural support service for all women’s health issues, whether mental, emotional or physical, including fertility issues, pregnancy and parenting concerns, relationship fears and emotional distress.Natural menopause solutions, weight gain or poor self nourishment concerns. Whatever the experience is, it can be addressed. Clare offers practical hands on support, with relevant information

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Why do I feel this Pain?

Joint pains, arthritic pain, tendonitis, knee pain, ankle pain, back pain, period pain, migraine pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, soft tissue, ligaments and bone pains, endometriosis, vaginal thrush, warts,  or unexplained odorous discharge, myofibralgia, foot pain, the unusual, unexplained or reoccuring pains, and any chronic physical or acute pain are symptoms that your

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